Educational institutions

How many educational institutions exist in the United States?


Number of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years, 2009–10 through 2019–20
Level and control of institution 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21
Public schools 98,817 98,817 98,328 98,454 98,271 98,176 98,277 98,158 98,469 98,755 98,469 98,577
Prekindergarten, elementary, and middle 70,142 70,427 70,291 70,007 70,050 70,113 69,931 69,612 70,112 70,261 70,039 70,055
Secondary and high 23,499 23,728 23,195 23,348 23,311 23,441 23,472 23,379 23,318 23,567 23,529 23,519
Other, ungraded, and not applicable/not reported 5,176 4,662 4,842 5,099 4,910 4,622 4,874 5,167 5,039 4,927 4,901 5,003
Private schools1 33,366 30,861 33,619 34,576 32,461 30,492
Prekindergarten, elementary, and middle 21,611 19,884 22,698 22,115 20,245 18,870
Secondary and high 3,405 3,329 3,413 3,672 3,644 3,626
Other, ungraded, and not applicable/not reported 8,350 7,648 7,509 8,789 8,572 7,996

– Not available.
1 Includes schools with kindergarten or higher grades
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics. (2023) Table 105.50. Number of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: 2010–11 through 2020–21; (2022) Table 105.50. Number of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: 2009–10 through 2019–20 [Data tables]. In Digest of education statistics. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from and

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